Thank you to all who made our Family Fun Day a great Success

Thank You!


Thank you does not seem enough to say to everyone who attended our Family Fun Day last Sunday. It was wonderful to see so many of our parish families from St. Rita’s and St. Timothy’s.


The weather turned out to be just right after a few showers in the morning.  The side dishes and desserts that were made by our parishioners were delicious. There was so much to choose from. 

The number of basket raffle items  were so great and the contents were wonderful.


Thank you to members of the Social Committee and volunteers and families that came forward to help with setting up, serving, raffle seller volunteers. Thank you also to          Fr. Perri and the men who assisted him with  cooking. 


Our Confirmation Students and other children of our Faith Formation Program and parishioners grandchildren manned the Bounce House, lawn games, and Face Painting for a job well done.


Last but not least thank you to the following businesses for their donations to help this event be a great success:


Confreda Farms

Dave’s Market Place 

Honey Dew Donuts– Warwick Avenue

 De Petrillo's Pizza & Bakery

Antonio's Bakery—West Shore Road

New England Lemonade—next door to 

St. Rita Church.

Haxton’s Liquors—Bald Hill Rd. 



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