From the Diocese of Providence:
1. Catholics will continue to be dispensed from Sunday and Holy Day Masses.
2. Access to Mass will be limited.
3. Hand hygiene and masks are key. (Masks must be worn)
4. Pews will be sectioned off.
5. Singing will be limited
6. Parishioners will receive Holy Communion in a safe manner.
7. The church will be sanitized after every Mass.
8. Budget envelopes will be submitted prior to Mass or as you leave.
9. Avoid personal contact with anyone.
10. Those who are sick must stay home.
Re-Opening St. Timothy and St. Rita Churches
Adoration—chapel will be open Mon.-Fri. 9:00-2:00 p.m. One person at a time or two family members. Sign up for a 15 minute time period (no more than 2 time blocks per person). At St. Timothy Church
Baptism—please call the rectory as usual to schedule.
Choir---we cannot bring back the choirs at this time.
Cleaning—we will clean the church after every Mass. Volunteers are needed to help as ‘wipe down’ door handles, etc. Call the rectory.
Communion—will be distributed one section at a time---keeping the ‘communion line’ with 6 feet social distancing. It is STRONGLY recommended that you receive communion in the hand. Leave masks on until just before receiving the host.
Confession—Saturday afternoon 3:00-3:45. “Sign up”---just put a ‘check mark’ at a time slot. Confessions will be heard in the adoration chapel---to allow for social distancing. Appointments at other times are also available---call the rectory. At St. Timothy
Daily Mass---at 8:00 a.m. Mon.-Sat. For the immediate future ALL daily masses will be at St. Timothy. We have the personnel to clean after daily masses at St. Timothy.
Funeral Mass—can be arranged through funeral directors. Memorial Masses for someone who died during these past few months who might have had a ‘funeral service’ can be arranged. Please call the rectory.
Mass Times—for the immediate future: Saturday Vigil Mass: 4:00 p.m. at St. Timothy. We will NOT have the 5:30 p.m. at St. Rita for the time being. Sunday Mass: 7:00 a.m. at St. Timothy; 9:00 a.m. at St. Timothy; 11:00 a.m. at St. Rita (please note NEW Mass time at St. Rita---for the immediate future).
Offertory Collection—please place your offertory donation into the containers as you enter the church. We will not pass the collection baskets.
On-Line Masses—recognizing that some parishioners will not feel comfortable coming back to the church building just yet, we will continue to “Live Stream” the 9:00 a.m. Mass at St. Timothy.
1. Please be PATIENT, especially over the first few weekends!
2. BYOS----Bring Your Own Sanitizer…..if possible. Use it before you enter church and use it as you leave. We have a small supply! Many people now carry small bottles of hand sanitizer in their purses or pockets. This will help us! Thanks.
3. Thank you for your support of the parish by mailing in or dropping off your offertory envelopes! We are so very grateful. If you cannot come to church please continue to mail in your envelopes! They are essential for our viability.
4. We are making plans to reschedule our celebrations of First Communion and Confirmation. These masses will be limited to the young people receiving the sacraments and a small number of family members/guests.
5. We will use only the MAIN ENTRANCE for weekend masses for a while----so that we can literally ‘count’ the number of parishioners entering the church…….we are limited in the number who can be at Mass.
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