Faith Fromation Breakfast

Tickets on sale next weekend!

    Faith Formation Day  Breakfast

           Sunday, March 24, 2019                        

                        10:30 a.m.                                  

                  Bishop Hendricken  

                       High School

Tickets:   $10.00 each   

                $8.00   For children                              

                               ages 2 thru 10

                  and free for children under age 2.


Catering by our neighbor, Sophia’s Tuscan Grille

Menu: Eggs, Bacon, Sausage, Home Fries,

Pancakes, Coffee, Tea, and Juice.


Purchase your tickets now!                                        SEATING IS LIMITED


Family Name:_________________________________


No. of children attending____________  


Grade (s) of Faith Formation Student______


No. of Adults______________________   


Phone Number:____________________

                                                                              Total enclosed:   $_____________________


Completed forms along with payment may be dropped in the collection basket, after Mass, mail to the rectory, or purchase them when picking up your child/children after class.



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